Transform strategy building from what-if analysis to goal-based optimization that automatically determines the best forward-looking strategies over multiple time periods and scenarios.
Elevate control of uncertainty with strategies that simultaneously prepare for multiple future scenarios and include scenario-specific action plans.
Achieve best possible financial performance with simultaneous optimization of strategic asset, liability and capital allocations.
Enable fast updating of enterprise-wide strategies in case of disruptive events with a solution that instantly computes new scenario-specific action plans.
Analyze and fulfill multiple management goals simultaneously with ability to quantify concrete trade-offs between strategic goals
Integrate all strategic decisions with a solution that combines planning, risk management, strategic ALM, and compliance decision-making.
Detech Optimizer computes advanced financial strategies which prepare companies for multiple scenarios simultaneously. These strategies combine immediate balance sheet adjustments, providing an optimal financial position before future scenarios start to materialize, with scenario-specific action plans for navigating likely, plausible, and extreme future events.
Detech’s strategies explicitly take into account future uncertainty and opportunities to readjust initial positions according to future developments. The consideration of dynamic readjustment policies improves performance compared to traditional static approaches, driving your competitive advantage especially when market uncertainty increases.
Detech enables the management to create complete financial strategies based on their business goals, shifting strategic financial management from testing ways to improve performance to continuously knowing the strategy that maximises balance sheet efficiency.
With its advanced multi-goal treatment, management can analyze trade-offs between potentially conflicting goals in quantitative measures and choose the best overall strategy in terms of profitability, solvency, liquidity, risks, growth, and a number of other management goals.
Detech enables integrated strategic planning across functions and business lines by seamlessly bringing together risk management, finance, planning, and compliance decisions. Detech Optimizer eliminates siloes with a single platform for business users to analyze, experiment, and solve detailed actions, all contributing to a unified company strategy.